Hello prim lovers it is that time of month again! New poppy displays! Come by the Marketplace and see all the wonderfully prim goodies .
While you are there make sure to scroll down and see all our wonderful pattern makers and out newest catagory Poppy SCENT SHOPPES.
I want to introduce you to our two scented shoppe owners.
Please meet Dana with Homespun Treasures. Her shoppe is filled to the brim with candles that just make your mouth water! Come by and check her out.
I would also love for you to meet Pine Patch Primitives... she is on vacation right now BUT left us her products to drool over.....http://www.lemonpoppyseeds.com/shoppes/sspinepatchprimitives/
While you are in the Marketplace make sure to sign up for the mailing list and get your name in for our monthly prize.
Til tomorrow....
New Things!
9 months ago